Thursday, June 12, 2008

KanKan CAN!

A great friend and fellow druid in Axiom has been given the amazing and interesting task to become the ultimate Dreamstate druid. Now, I know. Most Druids are shaking their branches in a decided, "Noooo. Dreamstate for raiding? How droll." But she has been absolutely amazing, and a much loved healing addition to the druid team. Dare say...dream team? Stop hitting me! *eats a Zanger schroom*

Here are some of her notes on how she does it. In her own words...Kanat!

So I added it up and I has 137 spell haste making my spells 8% faster than normal. (I think she has more now with snacky upgrades! About 195 I think.) That takes my healing touch down from a talented 3 seconds to...2.76 seconds (faster now with the additions). My rotation is well...done to The Ballad of the Green Beret.

I know, it sounds really *really* dumb but it is. It was the slowest song I knew all of the words to and since I was in band...>.> Anyways, it only works on single target healing. I cast 2 rank 8 healing touches and then a rejuvenation (which I just realized I could *down rank* the rejuvenation but eh) before going back to HT. When Blood (our cute pally tank) is in Abomination piles and before the rest of the tanks
can pull them off, I switch to rank 10 HT for the duration until I think he's comfy and go back to rank 8. Archie is the only fight I've had so far I feel completely useless. Some times the fire leaves me alone and I'm like "YAY!" and get off a few crit heals on Panda (another cutie tank) and load him up w/ full HoTs.

Other times, it's like Disco Inferno and I'm the main course. But I'm starting to get the hang of it instead of just going "FIRE! BY GROTHAR'S HAMMER FIRE! /flee" and barely healing. Everything else goes pretty much the same. I mean, it's not *exhausting* and I only have a problem when I switch to rank 10 w/ mana since 535 standing mana regin and 285 while casting is not that great (rank 10 costs me 583 mana, rank 8 costs 400 mana). I think I need to stack, ironically, more mp5 and int but spell haste first, yum!

How I love her! She uses a rotation as decribed above. Generally a Rejuv + HT + HT + HT repeat, of varying ranks, with changes based on the battle.

I'll have more on Kankan as I go. We hope to bring to light that Dreamstate does have a nice place in our hearts and raids. Go druids go!

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